Meet the Travel Monsters
Hi there! I’m so excited you dropped by to meet the travel monsters.
These unassuming baddies steal you away from your family moments. They keep you from creating happy vacation memories. They sneak in not just on vacation but even during the planning.

O’vr Welm: This little monster likes to work its dark magic before your vacation countdown even begins. It lures you in with hotels, ticket types, add on options, transportation ideas, weather considerations, crowd concerns, and on and on. O’vr Welm’s big superpower is it freezes you into indecision. I have the counter move – a customized proposal and experience tailored specifically to YOU and your dreams for this specific vacation.
Miz Info: Although seemingly well-intentioned at the get-go, this monster quickly weaves a spell of confusion and falsehoods. You’ll start to question who is telling the truth – your friend, the blogger you follow online, or the random people in your Facebook group. Fear not! I can break Miz Info’s spell with accurate and up-to-date information related to your specific vacation wishes.

Tyme Zuk: Like Daylight Saving, this monster has a knack for messing with the time continuum and stealing the moments away from the people and things you love. With timely reminders leading up to your vacation, services along the way, and itinerary planning, I’ll keep you spending time with your loved ones instead of losing minutes from your day.
Ang Ziety: While this monster likes to cripple its prey with worries of the unknown, fear of forgetting, and just overall travel consternation, I’ve got you covered with knowledge, timely reminders, and personal experience. Plus, I’m available as a listening ear and problem solver should anything untimely pop up before or during your travels.

Fo Moe: If you’ve ever needed a vacation from your vacation then you’ve been hit by Fo Moe. I’ll keep this monster at bay for you by customizing your itinerary with tips and tactics to see/do your top priorities while still allowing time for R&R. We’ll kick this monster to the curb with realistic expectations and experienced planning!
Joym Ugger: This plundering monster likes to steal away your joy by sneaking in with unrest. Tantrums, I don’t wannas, crocodile tears, and don’t knows are just a handful of this monster’s arsenal. But you know I’ve got this covered. With a monSTAR stockpile of play, fun, and family goodness coming your way, Joym Ugger doesn’t stand a chance.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s turn your travel monster mayhem into monSTAR memories.
Krista Reince (she/her)
Travel Monster Charmer | Family Travel Planning Specialist
Wait, don’t go yet! You haven’t met Bob!
Bob is our family’s Traveling MonSTAR. He was created across multiple flights and time in an airport during a solo trip to Orlando. He’s become a family mascot who reminds us to be silly and playful. To stop and enjoy the small moments when we’re traveling and between trips. With him we remember to create monSTAR memories